Diana Renn: In my town, an intriguing pedestrian walkway can take you beneath a bridge and railroad tracks. Its walls are completely covered with murals. There's a smattering of graffiti too, but the murals overpower it. They are beautiful in their raw designs, striking in their color choices, an unexpected vibrant splash hidden in a gray stone wall. And the art tunnel adds a dash of gritty, urban atmosphere in a quiet New England town. (I used the backdrop for part of my author photo shoot, and people thought I'd gone to NYC). High school students did the murals several years ago, I'm told. The mystery to me, though, is why there's never anyone in this tunnel. I find it peaceful. I go out of my way to pass through there and admire the pictures. You'd think kids would flock there to skip school or whatever. Nope. You only hear the echo of your own footsteps. Maybe our kids are just studious, or too engaged in extracurricular activities. Maybe there's a deeper reason. I don't want to know too much about the tunnel, because I prefer to let my imagination run wild every time I walk through alone.
Talia Vance: I have an irrational fear of cruise ships. It's partly because the idea of being out at sea with no land in sight terrifies me, but my paranoia is fueled by the occasional news story about people disappearing from ships in mysterious circumstances. In the middle of the high seas, there are no witnesses, no bodies to find, and often no explanation for a passenger's disappearance. Do you know who you're cruising with?
What mysteries intrigue you??
We are giving away a copy of COLD CASE autographed by Julia Platt Leonard! (Our Interrogation Room suspect interviewed 10/7/11). To enter the contest, simply comment on any of the Sleuths Spies and Alibis posts between Tuesday October 4 and Friday October 14. Contest closes October 14 at midnight, EST. The winner will be announced on Monday, October 17. One comment = one entry in our drawing; limit one per day. CONTEST CLOSES TOMORROW!!
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