Elisa Ludwig: I just finished reading The Lying Game by Sara Shepard. I've loved the Pretty Little Liars series and was excited for the beginning of a whole new story from her. (And no, I have not watched the show so this was all new to me!) The mystery of Emma, whose twin sister Sutton has just gone missing, does not disappoint. Shepard's expert pacing, snappy dialogue and constant parade of intriguing suspects makes this a confection of a read. Can't wait to get my hands on the next one!
Diana Renn: I've just started Guy Langman, Crime Scene Procrastinator, by Josh Berk. I loved his first novel (The Dark Days of Hamburger Halpin) because of the wonderful mix of family dynamics, comedy, and quirky teen investigators, and so far I'm finding similar ingredients here. A bit more emotion, though, as this young sleuth is investigating a murder mystery that may be connected to a mystery surrounding his late father. What I really love so far is that Guy and his friend Anoop join a high school forensics club (to impress girls) and stumble across a real dead body on a simulated crime scene. A forensics club! Extremely cool. Why did my school not have this???
Kristen Kittscher: I've been wrapped up in Lauren Oliver's stunning Leisl & Po, the (difficult to describe!) story of a recently orphaned girl and her friendship with the ghosts who help her restore her father's ashes to their resting place. I must admit I likely would have never read this book if Oliver and I didn't share the same editor: not only do I shy away from middle grade fantasy, but the description of the story didn't immediately pull me in. What a loss it would have been for me! It's a gorgeous book, full of heart, adventure, friendship and -- yes -- even mystery. One of my favorite reads this year.

I really want to read Liesl and Po - but I'm secretly hoping to find it at my library. I'm trying not to buy any new books right now when I have so many I could read! My library does have the first Josh Berk book and I hope to read it!