Laura Ellen: I know I can be accused of being a conspiracy theory freak and for always looking to strange, unnatural explanations when there are perfectly normal, rational ones -- but I really do wonder what are behind CROP CIRCLES. Can it really just be a bunch of very creative (and obviously very bored) farmers getting together at night to create elaborate designs in fields? Okay, yes, I believe it is possible. My family and I go every October to a corn field maze that is quite elaborate and definitely man-made. Still, after looking at the photos here, I have to say, I am not totally convinced they are so easily explained away!
L.R. Giles: Two words. Ball. Lightning. Big (or small) spheres of arcing electricity manifesting after lightning strikes. It doesn't happen a lot. In fact, it's a meteorological phenomenon so rare, t's nearly impossible to study, but so beautiful it's really a shame we don't see more of it. Unless, of course, it's the result of deep space invaders trying to pierce the dimensional veil and take over earth. Or maybe that's just The Avengers I'm thinking about. Anyway, it's a fun little (super?)natural mystery that worth a mention, I think."

walk with my dog. There’s the adorable bungalow on the corner that’s
been boarded up for years. The two-story Victorian that has just the
faintest touch of Manderley about it. The one with the child's
vegetable garden out front. None, however, seems quite as mysterious
to me as the beautiful Craftsman house with the tire swing, crooked
mailbox, weeds, and an ever-changing assortment of broken toys and
tools scattered around the yard. At times it almost looks like an art
installation. Last week I saw a large butcher knife casually tossed
on the grass next to a dirty blanket. Nearby a Pabst Blue Ribbon can
rested next to a headless Barbie—as if she’d snuck away for a rowdy
night of debauchery but instead met a horrible fate.
Most puzzling is how little changes besides the scattered yard
assortment. The mailbox has been off-kilter at the precise angle for
years. The chair next to the rope swing never moves. Even the weeds
seem to remain precisely the same length. If I hadn’t once seen a
child peering out of a window, I would think that the house was
abandoned—that someone was simply sneaking by to stage different
scenes to baffle passersby.
Maybe they are anyway…
Talia Vance: Nature or nurture? Psychologists have long struggled with the mystery of what shapes a person into the people they become. Are we born hard-wired for certain personality traits? How much impact do our environment, family and life experiences have on how we look at the world and behave. Why are some people motivated by adversity and others crippled by it? Two siblings with the same parents and same upbringing can have vastly different personalities. Yet, some identical twins can be so similar, that their personalities and lives can mirror each other even when they are raised in completely different environments. What really makes us tick?
I always love the 'Mysteries Among Us' posts. All of these are great--I want to write the story that goes with each real-life mystery, don't you? :-)